When driving, children can be a distraction in the car. If there is another adult passenger, it is best to let them handle most of the interactions so you can keep your attention on the road.
Next time we will look at foreign travel with kids.
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When driving, children can be a distraction in the car. If there is another adult passenger, it is best to let them handle most of the interactions so you can keep your attention on the road.
Next time we will look at foreign travel with kids.
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When driving children for a long family trip, often kids need items to keep them occupied. Be aware that loose items in the car can be thrown or become missiles in the event of a crash or sudden stop. Make sure loose items including DVD players, laptops, purses, CD’s, gifts, etc. are secured in either the trunk, console area, or under a cargo net. Only provide children with soft toys and games to play in the car.
Tomorrow we will cover how to not get distracted while driving children.
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Another great car traveling tip when driving with children is to give them a map. They can see where you are at the moment and how far you have until you reach your destination. This will help with the “are we there yet” question.
Next time we will look at how to keep everyone safe during a family trip. Stay tuned.
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Try to involve your children when planning a trip. This will help them maintain their interest throughout the journey. Show them the route on a map and let them help decide on places to stop including landmarks, hotels and restaurants.
Check back next time for a great way to avoid the constant nagging, “Are we there yet?”
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Are you going to drive a long distance with your kids? Over the next several days, we have some great ways to make the experience better for both parents and children.
Tomorrow we will look at how to help your children maintain their interest throughout the trip.
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Teach your teen drivers that children on bikes are often inexperienced, unsteady and unpredictable. One must slow down and allow at least 3 feet of passing distance between your car and a bicyclist.
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Teenagers learn a lot by observing you. Make sure your driving behaviors are in line with what you expect from them. This means being mindful of speed limits, road rage and eliminating distractions such as electronic devices while driving. They will model their driving after yours.
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Tell your kids not to play on or walk on snowbanks near the street. The snow piles could collapse or they could slip into traffic.
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Tell your children to never enter the street from between high snow banks. Drivers won’t be able to see a child until they are in the street. At that point it could be too late and a child could get run over.
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Teach your kids that if someone is following them in a car, turn around and go in the opposite direction or take a path where a car would not go.
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