As the new school year begins, many children will walk to and from school. Make sure your kids are aware of all traffic before crossing any street. Also when driving your own car, be aware of children that could dart out into the roadway at any time. 20% of 5 to 9 year olds killed in traffic accidents were pedestrians.
Deal With Problems Before They Arise
It is better to deal with problems before they arise. It always pays to be proactive. This includes dealing with everything from worn tires on your car to your child’s education. Y3K Tutor In Your Home can help you deal with educational problems before they arise.
Saving Children & Animals From Hot Cars
The public can help protect children and dogs from heat-related illness. If you witness a child or dog left unattended in a hot car, don’t assume the owner will be “right back”. Also do not assume that the child or dog is safe since the windows are open a crack. You can save a life when you see a child or dog left in a parked car by calling the local police or 911 immediately. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Hot Summer Cars & Sleeping Children
When leaving a vehicle, check to make sure everyone is out of the car. This includes all pets and kids. Do not overlook any children who have fallen asleep in the car.
Parked Car Danger
On a 70-degree day, even with car windows slightly rolled down, the temperature inside a car can exceed 120 degrees in 20 minutes and 150 degrees in 40 minutes. At those temperatures it does not take long for children or pets to become sick. Left in this situation children and dogs can become dehydrated, overheated, pass out, or die.
Halloween Trick or Treating
Children should stay on sidewalks when trick or treating. If there aren’t any, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. This way children are able to see oncoming cars and can move out of the way if a car gets too close to them.
Halloween Costumes and Automobiles
For Halloween, attach reflective tape to trick or treat bags and costumes so automobile drivers can see children when crossing the street.
Walking to School Dangers
Children don’t develop a sense of danger until they are 7 or 8. This is after many of them begin walking to school and crossing streets. Make sure your kids know when it is safe to cross the street when walking to school. Dangerous accidents do happen!
Walking to School & Dangerous Misconceptions
Children often think that if they can see a car, the driver of the car can see them. They also believe that cars can stop at any split second. Teach your kids the facts before having them walk to school.